In the past chapters I have presented in the Conclusions sections various ratios when the importance ratings assigned by organizational behavior scholars are divided by validity evaluations. My purpose in doing this has been to determine whether organizational behavior overestimates or underestimates the validity of each theory; this, in turn, helps shed light on whether some bias may be inherent in the averages reported by organizational behavior’s assessments of the theories. In addition I have assigned a rating of conscious, balanced, or unconscious to each theory. Remember that the performance ratings made by the organizational behavior scholars were typically snap judgments made based on their memory of a theory and its research findings, while my validity assessments were based on extensive study and review of the data, which have been documented in writing at the time, often in several different books (thus on multiple occasions). There is reason to believe that my judgments may be more veridical; this is contrary to much of the existing lore on such matters, but I believe it to be the case.