As of yesterday, the situation on the enemy's side was fairly clear. The First Brigade and Kong Lingxun are in the Dashuikeng area, Zhou Xiangchu is in the Panjiagou and Baoningbao area, one unit went to Shanchengbao yesterday, and its main forces should be advancing to the area about 30 to 40 li north of Shanchengbao on the 21st. Ding Delong is in the Shanchengbao area. It seems that the Second Brigade is regrouping in Yuwang and Hu's army headquarters has arrived at Yuwang. If we attack Ding's division today, then apart from Zhou's division, which may arrive in the afternoon, the rest will not be able to arrive until the third day, and, if so, they will be too tired and exhausted to fight. After defeating Ding's division we should reorganize our troops right away to attack Zhou's division.