In the afternoon of the day before yesterday (December 20), the Peasants’ and the Workers’ Congresses held a joint meeting in the magic lantern theater to welcome Mr. Mao Runzhi and Mr. Bu Lici, the representative of the Peasant International. 1 Over three hundred people attended the meeting, and the audience was very enthusiastic. The upstairs hall was practically filled to capacity. The meeting began at 2 p.m. with the ringing of a bell. Chairman Liu Jingtao first made introductory remarks. He said, “This afternoon we are here to welcome two guests. The first one is Mr. Mao Runzhi. Born in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, Mr. Mao is a leader of the Chinese revolution, and he has paid particular attention to the peasant movement. He has come back to Hunan at this time specially to investigate the peasant movement. At the beginning of our congress, we sent a telegram to Mr. Mao asking him to come back to give his guidance to the congress. We are very pleased to have Mr. Mao back here at this time. Our second guest is Mr. Bu Lici, the representative from the Peasant International. Mr. Bu Lici has been sent by the Peasant International to 421China to observe the peasant movement. We have invited him to give a report today. His report will consist of three parts: the first is about the peasants’ conditions in Russia; the second is about the policies of the Soviet government towards the peasants; and the third is his opinions on the peasant movement in China. Now Mr. Mao has arrived, let’s welcome Mr. Mao to speak to us.” (Applause)