
Mao Zedong (Runzhi)

Native Place

Hunan Province, Xiangtan xian

Mailing Address

Most recent

Guomindang Central Executive Committee, Guangzhou


Cultural Book Society, Changsha

Type of theory espoused regarding China, caught today between domestic anxieties and foreign troubles

I believe in Communism and advocate the social revolution of the proletariat. The present domestic and foreign oppression cannot, however, be overthrown by the forces of one class alone. I advocate making use of the national revolution in which the proletariat, the petty bourgeoisie, and the left wing of the middle bourgeoisie cooperate to carry out the Three People’s Principles of the Chinese Guomindang in order to overthrow imperialism, overthrow the warlords, and overthrow the comprador and landlord classes (that is to say, the Chinese big bourgeoisie and the right wing of the middle bourgeoisie, who have close ties to imperialism and the warlords), and to realize the joint rule of the proletariat, the petty bourgeoisie, and the left wing of the middle bourgeoisie, that is, the rule of the revolutionary popular masses.

Attitude toward the reform of this society’s work

There clearly are points of mutual conflict among the views held by the society’s members, and furthermore there are a number of members who are not committed to the society in spirit, who think that the Young China Association is not necessary at this time, and who advocate that it be disbanded.

238 Brief history of activities since Joining the association


Have studied the social sciences with an emphasis at present on the problem of the Chinese peasantry.


Taught for one year; worked for two years in the labor movement, half a year in the peasant movement, and one year in the Guomindang organization.

Date filled out

November 21, 1925


This arrived today from Changsha.