This chapter talks about a letter to Xiao Zisheng by his younger schoolmate Mao Zedong in Summer 1917. Mao Zedong stands out as one of the dominant figures of the twentieth century. Guerrilla leader, strategist, and philosopher, he placed his imprint on China and the world. Whatever the ultimate fate of communism in China, the stark fact of Mao's influence on events during more than five decades. In this letter, Xiao Zisheng have entitled book "All In One", and asked Mao Zedong to write the foreword. In today's world, learning is more and more highly developed, civilization is constantly progressing, and human affairs keep proliferating so that one can never study them exhaustively. But as civilization advances, human's knowledge likewise increases, and there should consequently be some way to study it more systematically. Mao Zedong presumes that Xiao Zisheng have completed "All In One" book with the intention of laying a foundation for further studies and achieving excellence.