The channels of mass communication ~e, in themselves, neither good nor evil. What determines whether a media message is positive or negative is its function, or purpose for sending or receiving a message. For example, the media can introduce people to a range of new ideas. In Tanzania, which has been ravaged by the AIDS epidemic, information about prevention has been incorporated into a popular radio soap opera, Twende na Wakati (Let's Go with the Times). This strategy has been so successful that three-fourths of the program listeners have altered their sexual behavior. 1

Therefore, identifying the communications function is crucial in deciding how to interpret media content. The manifest function of the communication offers the obvious or primary reason of the media presentation. However, there may also be latent functions; that is, instances in which the media communicator's intention may not be immediately evident to the audience. To illustrate, the Russian TV show Naked News features young, attractive anchorwomen who disrobe while presenting the news of the day. Although the manifest function of this program is to convey information, the not-so-subtle latent function is to attract viewers.