The cover bears the title in Chinese and a Latin inscription: "Pars 1, De operibus Misericordiae I Liber sinicus editus a Patre I lacobo Rho SOCIiS Jesu."

There is a preface (four folios) by Wang Yiian-t'ai ¥.I5C~ of Hsing-yiian £~, dated 1633 (Ch'ung-chen 6). There is also a preface (three folios) by Li Tsu-pai *ffilH3 and one by Rho himself (four folios). Then follow the names of the censors: Kao I-chih r%J-;E; (Alfonso Vagnone), Lung Hua-min n~¥~ (Niccol0 Longobardo) and T'ang Jo-wang ~;fi~ (Adam Schall von Bell). The book has a table of contents (two folios) and a postscript (five folios) by Ch'eng T'ing-jui fj~ffM (tzu 111-4).