Tom Bradley was the president of Blue Sky Airlines. He was a real no-nonsense figure who had many run-ins with labor unions in the past. He was a tough negotiator and an equally tough client. He was the largest client of Boswell Agency. Jill Williams asks to head up the Dallas office of Boswell after being an executive with the agency's New York office. The president of the Dallas Boswell office had recently resigned and since Jill had prior airline experience with Continent Airlines, and had run the tourism group for Boswell's New York office; she was the choice to run Dallas. The Boswell Agency had grown out of Des Moines, Iowa, where it still maintains its accounting and financial activities. It begins an agricultural agency, but after its early success Charles Boswell went on an acquisition spree. He purchased agencies across the United States including New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, and Boston. Jill reviews the agency structure.