This chapter presents the autobiography of Carolina Maria de Jesus, nicknamed Bitita, which includes details about her experiences during the holidays. Carolina noticed the excitement of the people buying cloth to make clothing to wear on New Year's Day. After the New Year was carnaval. Carnaval is the Brazilian celebration of Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday, which takes place during the three days immediately preceding Ash Wednesday and Lent, the forty-day period that Roman Catholics dedicate to fasting, repentance, and atonement. On the day of the holiday, Americo de Sousa, the son of a rich man, was happy and playful. To scare the blacks who danced the congada. When the blacks who were dancing the congada were going to cross the bridge and saw the crosses, they got afraid, thinking it was black magic. The Festas Juninas, or June holidays, are the feast days of Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Peter.