This chapter presents the autobiography of Carolina Maria de Jesus, nicknamed Bitita, which includes details about her experiences. The people, talking about the revolution, said that there were many robberies in the big cities that terrified families left their homes, and the thieves took advantage of the owners' absence. The revolution was like a thunderstorm. The revolution did not affect President Artur Bernardes's administration. In 1925, schools started admitting black female students. The teachers only accepted the black students because they were forced to. At that time, the only two important black men were Patricio Teixeira, a singer, and Dr. Azevedo Costa, from Uberaba. In the city, the most respected man was Mr. Manoel Nogueira, interacts with whites and blacks. When the Italians arrived, they saw that the only one who could help them with the hard labor was the black man. At the end of Mr. Artur Bernardes's administration, many children were literate.