Alexis de Tocqueville contended in his 1833 Democracy in America, America has taken greatest advantage of association and has applied this powerful means of action to the greatest variety of objectives. In a globalized economy with highly interconnected systems, only this spirit of innovation, sense of personal responsibility, and vision for collective action can make American critical infrastructure more resilient. Recognizing the major challenges of our eraeroding infrastructure, the growing interconnectedness of the global economy, and an uncertain future marked by climate change, natural disasters, and terrorism this chaopter provides a holistic approach to prepare for and face the storms of the future. Like Japan and the United Kingdom, America is an island-nation with economic arteries connected to all domainsair, land, maritime, space, and cyber. A strategic communications plan can help market infrastructure security challenges through a combination of government initiatives, think tanks, congressional studies, commercial industry support, and academic research.