The hypnobirth philosophy requires the use of supportive, parent-friendly language. Sowell describe how the acquisition of language, and the emotional meaning of words, parallel frontal brain development. The language used by birth professionals can be both confusing and a little overwhelming. Just reflect for a moment on the environment of obstetrics, and the language of that world. Jargon in any setting can make people feel disempowered, and if a birthing couple are already feeling anxious, medicalised language can increase this anxiety. Hunter, in her 2006 article, argues that technological interventions and medical terminology become symbols of power in the hospital setting and reinforce the control of the provider at the expense of the woman. In 2013 Kathrin Stoll and Wendy Hall conducted a study of 2,676 young women who had not given birth but planned to do so in the future that explored predictors of childbirth fear.