The scope o f this book. In this book I have tried to provide an introduction to the study o f psychology, prim arily for teachers, youth-leaders, and others interested in education, bu t also for social workers in other spheres. This m ay seem to be too general for the teacher, b u t I take the view - held indeed increasingly by our leading educational thinkers - th a t the teacher’s work is m uch m ore than classroom instruction. Practical applications to problems of teaching and discipline will constantly be m ade in this book. W e shall discuss the psychology of learning and rem em bering and of general intelligence and special abilities; of individual differences - so im portan t in school work; we shall examine curren t ideas as to the train ing of observation, memory, im agination, and so forth. But the teacher’s work is closely related to o ther great social influences. O ne has only to th ink of the profound effect of the hom e on the developm ent of the child; or of the great influence of religion or of youth societies on m any of our adolescents.