Leadership, by nature, involves decision-making behaviors. The organization-oriented behaviors include decision-making, managing organizational change, and networking and partnerships. Organizational change involves large-scale change in the direction, structure, major processes, or culture of the organization. The organizational direction may refer either to the philosophy of the business or to its policy. People-oriented competencies are so central to leadership that sometimes they are considered synonymous with it. Managing teams involves creating and supporting true teams in addition to traditional work units; team building involves enhancing identification with the work, cooperation between members, and Esprit De Corps of both work groups and teams. The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) study uses six composite leadership styles: values-based, team-oriented, participative, humane, self-protective, and autonomous. The 2014 study of GLOBE investigated the effectiveness of leadership styles enacted as actual CEO behaviors. Among the industrialized nations, East European global leaders are particularly empowering and tenacious.