After leaving Berlin University Marx lived partly at Trier, partly at Cologne, partly at Bonn. The philosophers, whether they wanted it or not, found themselves assailed on every side by the demands of practical, everyday life. Marx went on working at his essay. Marx's essay, 'Remarks on the New Prussian Censorship', written in January and February, 1842, the deadliest attack ever made, the sharpest blow ever struck at the brazen profanity of arbitrary despotism, was intended for Ruge's Deutsche Jahrbücher but only appeared a year later in the Anekdota zur Neuesten Deutschen Philosophie und Publizistik, which was published in Switzerland. In Bonn Marx wrote his first article for the Rheinische Zeitung, which had been appearing in Cologne since January 1, 1842. The last number of the Rheinische Zeitung appeared on March 31. It was so sought after that as much as from eight to ten silver groschen was paid for a copy.