Alienation views that certain aspects of reality whether social or natural are beyond the reach of knowledge, human rationality, and practical activity. Feuerbach's philosophy is the philosophy of sensuous perception. It thrives on the belief that reflection is the means of ascertaining the truth, and of bringing the objects before the mind as they really are. Feuerbach glorifies the human senses at the expense of what Hegel calls ideality, which is the theoretical and practical activity of men and women. Hegel observes that the main categories of natural science such as matter, force, those of one, many, generality, infinity, were among the earliest creations of philosophy and were first employed by medieval metaphysicians in their attempt to determine the existence and nature of God. Hegel's abstract analysis is elucidated by Marx. For Marxists and their bourgeois opponents alike, science is a neutral structure containing positive knowledge that is independent of culture, ideology and prejudice.