Health tourism is the term which has been applied to the industry catering for combined health and tourism motivations. The precursor of the World Tourist Organisation, the International Union of Tourist Organisations, identified it as the ‘provision of health facilities utilising the natural resources of a country, in particular water and climate’ (IUOTO 1973: 7). Hall (1992) regarded health tourism as the primary motivator for specific forms of special-interest tourism. Goodrich and Goodrich (1987) have defined health tourism as the promotion by a tourist destina­ tion of its health care facilities and services. Underpinning the proliferation of health tourism services offered by public and commercial organisations are two social concerns. One is a recog­ nition of the personal significance to clients of their health, and their wish to present an attractive appearance (Featherstone 1982). The second factor is the growing recognition that many people are excluded from tourism and leisure facilities resulting from their disabilities (Baker 1989).