In 1938, following the debate between Freud and Ferenczi, Balint wrote an article entitled, 'Strength of the ego and ego-pedagogy' in which he wonders about what the significance and the function of pedagogy within the analytical treatment actually is. In the light of the history of the psychoanalytic movement, including the present-day situation, Balint's analysis is very interesting, and can still provides material for reflection on the transmission of psychoanalysis in psychoanalytic institutions, and on their functioning. This religious relationship, rarely avoided by the psychoanalytic institutions, with its counterpart of totalitarianism, is a threat to all institutions, as can be seen from the events of the twentieth century. Balint's remarks on the transference effects of training analysis and control analysis are still valid today, although his proposals are restricted. In this case, and in particular at the time of control analysis, the introjected analyst possesses too much reality.