Education for development was not a path away from the village, but was based on the elements of village life and a know ledge of the larger world system. The educational elements: mastery of skills and knowledge; ability to use and create networks; ability to build knowledge in a collaborative framework; and ability to apply the first three within a particular framework. Pima's educational success depends fundamentally upon her education's ability structure to introduce not just skills and mastery, but also networks, collaboration and applications to specific situations of the. Eleni Gabre-Madhin's ability to increase social well-being derived, in part, from her unique understanding of Ethiopia and her existing networks within the country. The children of Micronesia tended to be naked until about puberty, but lack of clothing was not a sign of poverty; nor is it fair to view all black-skinned Africans as poor. Poverty is, indeed, lack of food and water, shelter and security.