This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book argues that: intelligence-led policing emphasises analysis and intelligence as pivotal to an objective, decision-making framework that prioritises crime hot spots, repeat victims, prolific offenders and criminal groups. It explains the comparison between the intelligence-led policing with other conceptual models of policing, explaining where intelligence-led policing is distinct from the other models, and showing where intelligence-led policing can work in a complementary manner. Originally formulated as a law enforcement operational strategy that emphasised the use of criminal intelligence when planning police tactics, intelligence-led policing has evolved into a management model and data-driven movement. The book explains the crime and harm reduction, disruption and prevention through strategic and tactical management, deployment, and enforcement. It deals with a modest agenda for the future as a preliminary road map to consider where intelligence-led policing is now, and where it could be in the future.