This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book analyses the presence of neoliberal ideology in language that has shed light on the dynamic nature of this interdependence but also on the contradictions of the ideology itself. It articulates a neoliberal view, which converts linguistic skills into a commodity available to employers for exploitation in service and other industries. The book also shows how the metaphorical personalization of the market bestows greater powers on markets, and this reinforces the neoliberal notion that markets are to be obeyed. Financial markets, in these metaphorical representations, are frozen into essential things and appear as beyond the reach of human intervention. It analyses Entrepreneur, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurship used across different social settings together which constitutes an ideological keyword cluster in the narrative of neoliberalism which reconfigures capitalist society as a collection of competing individuals and which naturalizes the entrepreneurial view of society.