This chapter presents the structural manifestations of homophobia and positions the internalization of homophobia as a key weapon for heteronormativity and the entrenchment of patriarchy. It argues that homophobia is central in the regulation and policing of the men's sexual behaviors. The chapter suggests that an analysis of social dynamics within the male teachers' social worlds very much impacts the ways in which teacher identities are experienced and performed. It explores how the participants perform their same-sex sexual identities despite the restrictions and regulatory and punitive mechanisms put in place for the maintenance of heterosexuality. Alongside the social functions of stigma, another key driver leading many men to pass is the fear of ridicule and rejection that often comes from claiming same-sex identifications. In addition to ridicule and rejection, the participants cited derogatory language as another tool for homophobia. The language intends a course of action isolating the gay and inciting to physical violence.