I am so fed up with breastfeeding! It’s just not working for me. I’ve struggled with it from day one. Either I’m not producing enough milk, or she’s not getting it, I don’t know which. Whatever’s happening, she’s always screaming and I’m exhausted, and my nipples are incredibly sore! I’ve seen every lactating and breastfeeding expert going. They’ve been round to the house, helping me to position the baby properly, and making sure we get skin to skin contact. To be honest, it’s stressful, and the breastfeeding’s not getting any better. I can’t see any other option, I’m going to start with formula. While I was pregnant, I was really keen on the idea of exclusive breastfeeding. Now I feel like such a failure. Everything I read says how great breastfeeding is for babies. Have I let my daughter down by not giving her the best start in life?