There are, of course, many options for how you could go about addressing this issue. A common approach would be to devise a questionnaire . Often, questionnaires are used in these situations because they are fairly simple to develop and easy to distribute to large groups, whether through e-mail or hard copy. However, although the act of sending out an e-mail with a questionnaire might be simple, developing an effective measurement approach for a questionnaire takes great care and time. For instance, a disorganized or poorly worded questionnaire can leave respondents confused and produce results that lack validity. An overly long questionnaire can leave respondents frustrated and result in incomplete questionnaires. In short, there are many potential issues that can occur if time and care are not taken to develop effective measures. While this example illustrates measurement issues specific to questionnaires, this unit will also consider broader issues that affect measurement quality, including errors in observation, questionnaire development, and scale development.