This chapter describes in detail the Adult interactive style (AISI) principles and their implications for natural settings such as school and home, these being of great interest to professionals and parents. Overall, AISI consists of 13 general principles which relate to adults' body language, speech and timing, and 8 communicative opportunities which stand for situations adults set up to increase the child's chances for spontaneous communication. The chapter explores each one of these principles thoroughly and some drawings on how AISI principles can be manifested in a school setting. Adults should make sure that they have secured the child's attention before attempting any communication. This can be done in a number of ways verbally or non-verbally. Establishing appropriate proximity or touch is a crucial element to enable successful communication. AISI principle concerns asking adults to set up a situation where they 'forget' to do something of vital importance, which will very likely elicit request or comment from the child.