This chapter explores facial cues and eye behavior and their impact on communication. Although the nonverbal expression of basic emotions crosses cultures, the face also is a reservoir of individual experiences and a source of stereotypes, both of which influence social interaction. The face is a dynamic communication system - given primacy primarily because of its ability to form a multitude of expressions. Facial shape also affects its holder, not just the assessor. Facial factors also influence judgments of another's attractiveness. The smile is one of the most common facial expressions and, as one of the most important forms of nonverbal communication, worthy of close attention. Ekman and Friesen categorized facial cues as static, slow, and rapid. Static facial cues are permanent facial features. By isolating the key parts of the face, one can focus in on the richness of some of the nonverbal cues revealed by the eyes, mouth, jaw, brow, and nose.