Pupils with autism may behave inappropriately through lack of understanding rather than being deliberately naughty. Although pupils with autism may appear to listen and understand what is said to them, they may not respond in the correct way. Target the pupil by using name or touch to focus his/her attention and by repeating group instructions to him/her on an individual basis. A number of considerations may be necessary in order to develop appropriate behaviour. Using autism-specific behaviour management techniques has been proven to be beneficial to behaviour management in general. Behaviour and obsessions are often symptoms of anxiety, so look for the underlying cause before reacting to the pupil. In order to alleviate some of the anxiety shown by pupils with autism, it may be useful to utilise their strengths. Work on developing independence by choosing tasks that have in-built success. Model appropriate behaviours and prompt them through new tasks, e.g. by a hand-over-hand method.