Pupils with an Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are generally good visual learners and the strategies will enhance access to understanding and learning such as visual timetables, visual clarity and visual sequences. Pupils will benefit from the use of a visual timetable to provide structure, in order to reduce anxiety and promote independence. Visual timetables can be used in different manner: Select photographs, pictures, line drawings or symbols with a label, for each activity of the day. Pupils may need a visual timetable to support them through the day, but within that, they may need short intensive visual sequences to help them through specific activities that they find difficult. This could be times such as assembly, registration, toilet routines, and lunchtime. Visual clarity is essential that tasks presented to the pupil with autism have visual clarity. It also ensures worksheets are uncluttered, i.e., containing the minimum amount of information needed for the pupil to complete the task.