Many of the major advertising media reach into the home. Yet there are several types of media that are available primarily outside the home-commonly known as out-of-home media-reaching consumers when they are traveling, waiting, shopping, or otherwise situated outside their residences. More types of out-of-home media are constantly being developed, which may offer better audience selectivity and higher cost efficiencies. Using out-of-home media to capture consumers while they are waiting for something might be the next killer app. At one time, outdoor billboards were purchased in showings, and even though outdoor advertising has shifted to using gross rating points (GRPs), buys are still often referred to as showings. Today, many signs are displayed inside the businesses. Transit advertising makes use of both the inside and outside of transit vehicles, as well as transit stations. Digital media refers to moving or changing advertising, such as video screens, and are sometimes referred to as dynamic media.