This chapter examines how Occupy Wall Street (OWS) members attempted to construct an alternative model of socialization characterized by an unstructured, leaderless. The 'ideology-less' organization enacted by a series of practices that utilize communication and re-signification as the main terrain of confrontation. The movement gained media prominence on September 17, 2011, when a widespread group of activists organized a protest called 'Occupy Wall Street' and camped in Zuccotti Park, a privately owned park in New York City's financial district. One of the cultural promoters of OWS, Adbusters editor Kalle Lasn recommended that the movement should aim at the construction of a situation, a unity of space, time, and people capable of emancipating its inhabitants and resisting the pressure of the system. Together with this, the movement relied on recontextualizing and re-signification strategies. Last, but not least, OWS enacted the anarchy-driven idea of a structure-less and leaderless organization based on a refusal of traditional ideologies and conventional politics.