Ontology and Epistemology Perhaps the most basic areas of philosophy are those that try to understand the funda-

mental nature of being and reality: Why is there something rather than nothing? What is

existence and reality? How do we know? How can we understand? The nature of existence

or being is a question of ontology, and the nature andmode of acquisition of knowledge is

a question of epistemology. Within these broad categories lie arguments about issues

such as holism and reductionism, materialism and idealism, any of which may be con-

sidered debates about ontology or epistemology depending on their context. For phi-

losophers concerned with formal ontology as a primary area of study, ontology is the

study of the fundamental categories of existence and reality. Those concerned with for-

mal epistemology want to explore how we can know and reason about that reality and the

reliability of knowledge claims.