Parent (1990) reported an assessment of 14 day-reporting centers known to be in operation in 1989. Only three of the centers were operated by public agencies, with the other 11 being administered by private, nonprofit organizations. Programs ranged in capacity from 10 offenders to 150, with most being able to accommodate 50 or fewer. A survey of these centers revealed that successful completion of programs varied greatly by center and by type of client. Probation and parole violators and those who had been denied discretionary parole release had successful completion rates of about one-third or less, whereas offenders received from institutional work release programs or diverted from jail had completion rates in excess of two-thirds ( Parent, 1990 ). The survey also reported a range in center costs from less than $8 per day per offender to more than $50 per day. The mean cost was nearly $15 per day.