Doxic battles are basic struggles determining what is valued in the field and what is considered worthless. They are world-making battles in the sense that the agents participating in the battles strive to gain the power to impose the legitimate version of the social world and its divisions. They concern the unspoken, common knowledge constituting social reality and exercise a misrecognized structural power on the practices in a field. Doxic battles thus concern the mobilization of different types of capital in the quest for influence on doxic understandings and potentially a prominent position in the hierarchy in the field. This chapter discusses the three main types of capital namely scientific capital, military capital and social capital. It addresses the European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI)/cooperation in the EC/EU's foreign and security policy (CFSP)/European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) letter game. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) had accumulated social capital through various programmes and strategies.