The idea of opposites, opposite-pairing and psychic energy is another main Jungian theoretical concern. This has to do with both the structure and the operation of the psyche and the dynamics of the image. Jung used the terms 'energy' and 'libido' interchangeably, though for him the idea of libido was not limited to sexuality, as it has become with Freudian's use of the term. This chapter explores archetypes contain an inherent duality of opposition, thus the images carried within are neither positive nor negative but rather of an equally bound negative-positive quality. The volume and amount of negativity, positivity or otherness determines the dynamism of the conflict and can be expressed through both internal and external images. The first law of thermodynamics stating that energy demands two opposing forces was the core model for the dynamism of the psyche as its metaphoric energy. Applying the physical model of energy-creating due to motion between opposing forces makes the psychological opposites irreconcilable.