DQG 5DPRV DQG 5RGJHUV KDYH GHVFULEHG VRFLDO PRYHPHQW DFWLYLW\ DV µSROLWLFVE\RWKHUPHDQV¶ ,Q VRGRLQJ WKH\ DSSURSULDWH&DUO YRQ&ODXVHZLW]¶V description of war to emphasise how the aspirations, methods and consequences of political activism represent an extension of conventional institutional and GHPRFUDWLFSROLWLFV2I FRXUVH VRFLDOPRYHPHQWV GH¿QHGDVRUJDQLVHG VHWVRI FRQVWLWXHQWVSXUVXLQJDFRPPRQSROLWLFDODJHQGDRIFKDQJHRYHUWLPH%DWOLZDOD GRLQWHUDFWZLWKVWDWHV\VWHPVWRSURGXFHPRGHVWUHIRUPVVXFKDVHQKDQFHG political participation and policy adjustments. However, their actions can also contribute to much broader processes of socio-political change, even wholesale shifts in the political system. Social movement actors have often found novel ZD\VWRFLUFXPYHQWE\SDVVRUGLVUXSWWKHV\VWHPDQGWKHLULQÀXHQFHPD\HYHQ H[WHQGWRVSDUNLQJLQVXUUHFWLRQDQGUHYROXWLRQ-RKQVWRQ

To depict forms of political activism as ‘politics by other means’ is to propose wide and encompassing parameters for what constitutes politics and who counts DV D UHOHYDQW SROLWLFDO DFWRU )RU5DQFLqUH ZKDW LV UHFRJQLVHG DV SROLWLFDODFWLRQLVIDUIURP¿[HGDQGWKLVG\QDPLVPLVEXLOWLQWRWKHYHU\PHDQLQJ

RIµGRLQJSROLWLFV¶+HZULWHVµ>S@ROLWLFDODFWLRQFRQVLVWVLQVKRZLQJDVSROLWLFDO ZKDWZDVYLHZHGDV³VRFLDO´³HFRQRPLF´RU³GRPHVWLF´,WFRQVLVWVLQEOXUULQJWKH boundaries’. More to the point, social movements interact with state systems and societies in a wide variety of ways, often ‘blurring boundaries’ by recasting economic, social or cultural issues as political ones and bringing them to the DWWHQWLRQRIQHZFRQVWLWXHQFLHV,QUHFHQWGHFDGHVVRFLDOPRYHPHQWVFKRODUVKDYH put a great deal of energy into understanding how activists mobilise support and DUWLFXODWHWKHLUFRQFHUQVWREURDGHUDXGLHQFHVVHHIRUH[DPSOH6QRZHWDO 6QRZDQG%HQIRUG7D\ORU DQG9DQ'\NH%XW DFWLYLVWVGRQ¶W MXVW FRQWHVW DQG SROLWLFLVH FXOWXUH WKH\ FUHDWH LW WRR ,Q /DWLQ $PHULFD FXOWXUDO producers – poets, painters, writers and musicians – have often been at the

forefront of movements for political change. However, existing social movement VFKRODUVKLSR൵HUVRQO\DYHU\OLPLWHGWRRONLWIRUXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHUROHRIDUWDQG creative expression in contentious politics. Recent publications on Latin American VRFLDOPRYHPHQWVLQSDUWLFXODUWHQGWRQHJOHFWWKHVHLQÀXHQWLDOPRGHVRISROLWLFDO claim-making and expression, focusing more on the evolving political environment and the complex relationship between neoliberalism, globalisation and democracy LQWKHSRVW&ROG:DUHUDVHH-RKQVWRQDQG$OPHLGD3HWUDVDQG9HOWPH\HU 7KHUHVHDUFKSUHVHQWHGLQWKLVERRNVHHNVWRDGGUHVVWKHVHJDSVE\H[SORULQJ the cultural productions of activists in Latin America and by honing in on a VSHFL¿FW\SHRUFDWHJRU\RIµSROLWLFVE\RWKHUPHDQV¶7KLVERRNLVDERXWµSROLWLFDO street art’.