On 15 July 1974 Richards returned to live in Cambridge, England, after thirty-five years in the United States. He and his wife had arranged to give the proceeds from the sale of their house (37 Chesterton Road) to Magdalene College in exchange for the occupancy of Wentworth House in their remaining years. Wentworth House is a modest neoclassical structure at the foot of the Magdalene Fellows' Garden, with grounds extending along the Cam. Its remodeling was incomplete when they arrived, so they went to the Alps-"uncertain, as ever, just where" -for seven weeks. By September Richards cheerfully expected "stacks of wrapped up furniture will be standing in a completed and decorated Wentworth House." 1 During February and March Dorothea Richards had been in the hospital for a hip joint implantation and was eager to try it out on the lower slopes. In August Richards wrote that the new joint "manages impressive amounts of mountain paths (rough & steep)."2 She was seventy-nine.