This chapter explores the puzzle of being the opposite of fairness. The public statement made by the new Home Secretary, Theresa May in November 2010, underscored the mismatch between the public's and previous policy-makers' readings of 'equality', affirming that in recent years, equality has become a dirty word because it meant something different. It came to be associated with the worst forms of pointless political correctness and social engineering. Moreover, May's reference to political correctness, prefaced with a tautological 'pointless', requires an exploration of the function of the political correctness discourse in associating a disparate set of ideas and practices in order to discredit their assumptions. The chapter focuses on precious goods that cover resources of people such as: housing, jobs and others. Entitlement is the logic underlying the claims of unfairness. The claims of 'unfairness' presuppose that the utopian order of 'fair' entitlement has been overturned.