This chapter provides an example of how to interrogate a photovoice exhibition with a particular focus on the experiences of those who attend such an event. The photovoice project, from which the resultant exhibitions were hosted, was focused on understanding the educational lives of community college student. The first photovoice exhibition took place on the community college campus that also served as the study's site. The main source of data for this study was the interviews. Understanding the social context of the visit allows US to make sense of variations in behavior between. The physical context includes the arrangement of the exhibitions. Five common museum-going identities were elucidated by Falk: explorers, facilitators, professionals/hobbyists, experience seekers, and rechargers. The sociocultural context of the museum visit includes the social setting. The physical context of the museum visit includes the exhibitions, objects, labels, spaces, and programs the visitor encounters. Within the chapter, the presentation and confirmation phases of the photovoice methodology were explicated.