This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. Nietzsches sister, Elizabeth Frster-Nietzsche, wrote that the figure of Zarathustra and a large number of the leading thoughts in this work had appeared much earlier in the dreams and writings of the author The introductory discourse of the Superman, the last man: When Zarathustra was thirty years old, he left his home, and went into the mountains. Here the story of Zarathustra begins. It was only 1883, unfortunately, but the heavenly powers are sometimes irregular perhaps the clock doesnt work regularly in heaven, one doesnt know exactly so the Saoshyant came a bit earlier, a reincarnation in the form of Zarathustra. That Zarathustra is said to be thirty years old, then, discloses a certain analogy with Christ. So the work of Zarathustra begins with the idea of his setting like the sun, der Untergang Zarathustras.