Fairclough, H. Rush ton, see under Horace

fairy(-ies): child’s fantasy of, 5 277; in dreams, 10 6 19 ; 12 6 1; motif, 16 17

fairytales/folktales, 3 565; 4 493-7; 6 5 1 2 :8 325,4 76 , 555; 9 i 5 1 , 263, 3 10 ; 9 ii 232, 259; 10 58-9, 629; 1 1 738; 16 254, 538; 17 44; 18 80, 249, 526, 1475;

t i t l e : “The Phenomenology o f the Spirit in Fairytales,” 9 i 38 4 - 4 5 5 ; alchemical, 14 42cm; animals in, see animal(s) s.v.; archetypes in, 9 i 6-7, 400, 406, 4°9> 433~4» 4 5 1; 10 80, 847; and dreams, 5 29; 18 1488; evil mother in, 5 369; foster-parents in, 5 34; Hanswurst in, 9 i 456; hero’s father in, as woodcutter,

847; number, 1 1 28 1; old people in, 9 i 4 0 1-18 , 420; quaternity in, see quaternity s.v. ; self, in, symbolism of, 6 790; Stupid Hans in, 9 i 456; triad in, 9 i 4 3 0 -1; unconscious processes in, 9 i 263; 9 ii 280; see also Andersen, Hans; Grimm brothers

American Indian, North and South: The end o f the world and the theft o f fire, 9 i 40921;

Balkans: The theft o f fire, 9 i 409/1;

The deeds o f the Czar’s son and his two companions, 9 i 416&/2; The Lubi and the fair o f the earth, 9 i 406&/2; The one-eyed old man, 9 i 4 1 3 » The shepherd and the three samovilas, 9 i 404/1, 405/1; The son-in-law from abroad, 9 i 417&/1; The twelve crumbs, 9 i 404/1;

Caucasian/Georgian: The Baldheaded Gooseherd, 14 273&n;

The false and the true night­ ingale, 9 i 405/1;

Chinese: Jan g Liang, 9 i 40421; Denmark (H. C. Andersen): The Emperor’s Clothes, 17 286; Eskimo: The woman who be­ came a spider, 16 519/1; Estonian/Finnish: How an or­ phan boy found his luck, 9 i 4 0 1-2 , 4 14 ;

The contending brothers, 9 i 404/1, 405/1; The stepdaughter and the

Fischottermarchen/“The Tale o f the Otter” (O.A.H. Schmitz), 9 i 51/1; J . ’s foreword to, 18 17 16 -2 2 ; Hansel and Gretel, 5 369; 10 58; 17 219/2; The Iron Boots, 9 i 404/2; Little Red Ridinghood, 4 476-7; 5 68 m; 17 219/2; The Mary-child, 9 i 427/2; The Princess in the tree, 9 i 4 2 1-4 , 427-8, 436-53; 13 288; Rumpelstiltskin, 5 274; 8 735; 13 436; The Seven Ravens, 14 574; Sleeping Beauty, 4 493-7, 502; 5 362; Snow White, 4 496, 497; Soldier and black princess, 9 i 4 12 ; The Spirit in the Bottle, 9 i 456; 13 239-47, 250, 287, 3 2 1 , 4 14 ; 14 75, 41611; “Der Stein der Weisen,” 14 406, 420/1; Till Eulenspiegel, 10 298; Tom Thumb, 9 i 267, 54 1; 12 84; 11 28 1; as child motif, 9 i 273/2; phallic aspect of, 5 180, 183; as seventh brother, 12 84; Tom Dumb and, 9 i 3 10 ; and trickster-figure, 9 i 456;

Icelandic: Finna and Geir, 16 4 2 5 -6 ,4 3 1 ; Iran: The secret o f the bath of Windburg, 9 i 404/1; Nordic: The princess with twelve pairs o f golden shoes, 9 i 404/1;

The three dogs, 9 i 404/1; The three princesses in the white land, 9 i 431/2; The werewolf, 9 i 404/2, 405/2;

Pope’s excrement, 5 276; Russian: The girl with no hands, 9 i 404ft;

King o f the Forest, 9 i 406; Maria Morevna, 9 i 435&«; Prince Danila Govorila, 16 427-30;

Siberian: Ememqut and the Creator, 9 i 4 15 ;

The girl and the skull, 16 519ft; The man turned to stone, 9 i 408^; The one-sided old man, 9 i 4 13 ;

Spanish and Portuguese: Queen Rose, or Little Tom, 9 i 404ft, 405ft;

The white parrot, 9 i 404ft, 405ft;

Swiss, o f peasant boy and little iron man, 9 i 407; Unknown origin: diagrams on wall, 9 i 233

fmxhlfides, 9 i 384, 619; 11 765; 12 3 5 - 4 1 5 . 4 *7 ! 1 3 2 > 4 7 ’ 69, 82, 289; 18 1538-9 ;

absolute, 9 ii 269; alchemical confession of, 13 166; basis in experience and tradi­ tion, 5 345; blind, danger of, 5 339; 10 5 2 1; a charisma, 5 342; 11 285, 864; 13 73; 18 1470; confession of, 1 1 539; and consolation, 18 1576; and criticism, 1 1 227; crumbling away o f content, 9 ii 2 7 7 ; demythologization of, 10 5 5 1; doctor and, 1 1 499, 502; and dogma, 9 ii 276; in God, 13 146; grace of, 13 197;

1 0 1 7 1 , 551,853; 11864; 12 4 1; 13 149, 238; 14 150; 18 1 5 1 1 ’ organ of, 1 1 762; patient’s 4 577, 59 1; and projection, 18 1635, 1648; religious/Christian, 4 780; 10 52 1, 563; 11 285; 13 234, 236; return to, 14 7 5 1 : Scaiolae asfides, 13 2 15 ; and symbolical truth, 5 336, 346; and thought, 18 582; and tradition, 5 345; and work, 12 37

faithfulness in marriage, 10 270 fake, spiritual, Yoga in West as, 11

deutschen Kunstgewerbes, 12 fig. 158 Falke, K., 4 199 fall/Fall: o f the angels, see angel(s)

s.v . ; of man, 8 460, 7 5 1; 9 i 420, 576ft; 9 ii 70, 7 1; 11 579, 618, 619 , 624; 12 347, 430; 13 38 1, 390, 400; 14 206, 585; of Satan, see devil/Satan s.v.