In the UFO literature there are collections of reports from various sources which need critical evaluation. Broadsheet written by Samuel Coccius, 'student of the Holy Scripture and of the free arts, at Basel, in the Fatherland', in August 1566. The dark colour of the UFOs may be due to their having been seen against the light of the rising sun. Some of them were bright and fiery. Their speed and irregular motion are typical UFO features. The role that numbers play in mythology and in the unconscious gives food for thought. They are an aspect of the physically real as well as of the psychically imaginary. The 'acausal' correspondences between mutually independent psychic and physical events, synchronistic phenomena, and in particular psychokinesis, would then become more understandable, for every physical event would involve a psychic one and vice versa. Such reflections are not idle speculations; they are forced on us in any serious psychological investigation of the UFO phenomenon.