This chapter argues the modification and adaptation of flexible agricultural practices at the farm levels, such their appropriateness and performance is optimised within a continually reflexive and social learning-based process, is an important component of climate smartness. Contested claims for Conservation Agriculture and the politics of its promotion in African smallholder farming. Two practices that have already been discussed, CA and SRI, are increasingly thought of as such, and in the following discussion two others are also referred to integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) and agroforestry. The idea of CSA as the establishment of enabling environments as positive socio-technical system change is considered with reference to examples of agricultural development. The Community for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture, organised by the FAO, and the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Knowledge Network (AMKN), created by CCAFS, are two examples. In this chapter it has been suggested that a climate smart system is characterised by participatory research.