Geulincx and Leibniz regarded the co-ordination of the psychic and the physical as an act of God, of some principle standing outside empirical nature. The synchronicity principle possesses properties that may help to clear up the body-soul problem. Sir Auckland Geddes presented a very similar case before the Royal Society of Medicine, though here the ESP went very much further. The accompanying feelings of levitation, alteration of the angle of vision, and extinction of hearing and of coenaesthetic perceptions indicate a shift in the localization of consciousness. The causalism of this argument does not seem to me altogether tenable. Outside the realm of psychophysical parallelism, synchronicity is not a phenomenon whose regularity it is at all easy to demonstrate. Sir James Jeans reckons radioactive decay among the causeless events which, as they have seen, include synchronicity. The advantage of adding concept is that it makes possible a view which includes the psychoid factor in our description and knowledge of nature.