This chapter examines of emigration and women were gender differentials in migration, how women differ from men in the migration process in levels, trends, socio-economic characteristics and impact. An additional area of interest is married women in Kerala who were left behind by their migrant husband. These women are referred to as to as 'Gulf wives' in the Kerala Migration Study (KMS) of 2008. The Gulf wives were especially identified and given a separate code in all surveys, with KMS 1998. The number of Gulf wives was estimated and they were classified by household characteristics and personal characteristics such as religion, community, educational level, employment status, occupation, etc. From a methodological point of view, it is important to note that, in order to study Gulf wives, it is necessary to separate them out from the other married women. The impact of migration on Gulf wives operates through several channels, but principally through remittances and husband-wife physical separation.