Table 13.1 oers a quantitative summary of the relative popularity of dierent motifs and elements. Evidently, the most popular of these is the lantern, followed by the installation and the chalice, with all others tailing rather far behind. But this is hardly a pattern that is consistently maintained by all cemeteries, many of which demonstrate dierent priorities. For example, the Star of David is the most commonly applied symbol in the Trumpeldor Cemetery and the second most common in Shiqun Vatiqim; the lantern, which is very common in some cemeteries, is poorly represented in others (Trumpeldor, Yaqum, Ma’abarot). ere are no overall indications that the choice of symbols or structural elements with which tombstones were elaborated followed any predetermined or widely accepted pattern. As might be expected for a subsidiary eld of expression, it is variable, perhaps even somewhat random.