The primary function of the PAS 1192-2:2013 document is to support the Government's aspirations with digitisation of construction and provide more general industry guidance in setting out a framework for collaborative working and information management on BIM-enabled projects. The Building Information Modelling (BIM) Task Group have supported and helped deliver on central government's objectives, in particular the requirement to strengthen the UK public sector's capability with BIM implementation. The term 'EIR' is a common parlance in UK BIM circles and has become embedded into everyday terminology for data management. Commercially available CDEs range from freeware to sophisticated design and project management platforms for multi-user collaboration. The CDE is the virtual repository where digital project information is uploaded, shared and viewed across the design-construct team. The purpose of the protocol is to facilitate the design-construct team to specify and articulate the content of BIMs at various stages in the design and construction process.