Once upon a time, in the old times, a man and woman were married for a long time and never had any children. So her husband was real nasty with her. So, ah, one day she was out in the door and there was an old man come along and he asked her what was her trouble. She told him she was married for a, a long while and never had no children. She said her husband was real nasty with her. So he said to her, he said, you see them trees, you see that tree there he said and he said when you gets up tomorrow morning, he said, there will be three berries growing on that tree. He said one berry will be as sweet as

molasses, the other as sweet as sugar and the other as bitter as gall. He said you eat the two sweet ones but don't eat that one, ah, the bitter one. So, ah, when she got up in the morning and went out, the three berries were there. She eat the one as sweet as molasses and the one as sweet as sugar and she, well she said she would eat the other one too. That one was as bitter as gall, so she eat it. That was all right.