Well once upon a time _ that's in olden times a long time back _ there was a...a family livin like...here an' another family up to Sally's Cove, well they was a...a long spell...a long ways from the...from the settlement see? An' uh...this family was livin...well he was uh...kind of a farmer like, he w...he had a nice bit o' money. Well he had...three...three sons. He had Bill, Tom an' Jack. Well now. [Teller's wife: Take your time.] his uh...his mother died. Their mother died when they was young. An' uh.. .his father got married again. A n '. after they got growed up _ men _ well their father died. Well now they had their stepmother there. Well now uh...they had a...a nice little farm an' they had a...nice...the nice bit o' property an' a bit o' money. Well now she want to...to try to get clear of 'em _ so she could have it all.