This chapter examines selected individual-level antecedents and explores the personality organizational misbehavior (OMB) relationship. The ability to predict intentional misbehavior patterns would be an important contribution to organizational behavior (OB) research. The chapter presents selected theoretical contributions, as well as evidence from empirical studies, that suggest ways in which personality traits, predispositions and attitudes, and affect may contribute to the intention to misbehave. Personality traits are commonly conceived as those inner structures directing an individual's behavior in a relatively stable manner. One such clustering is the Big Five personality traits categorization, which stems from studies using a variety of questionnaires with both, self-reports and descriptions of others, in different languages and cultures. The core Big Five personality traits literature provides us with accepted definitions of the basic dimensions of human personality: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Emotional stability, Conscientiousness, Openness. OMB may originate from personality traits, attitudes, and emotional states.