Muslims are arguably the most maligned and despised migrants in the West today. And the reason for that is pretty clear: their perceived link to terrorism. Indeed, while the public discussion surrounding Muslims focuses on poverty, unemployment, and poor educational outcomes, quietly a sizeable educated and professional middle-class second generation is growing throughout Europe, which actually supports new assimilation theory. Cultural and social Integration is a common trope of the Eurabianists and Amerabianists discussed. Like with economic integration, Muslims in the United States and Western Europe do culturally integrate, though of course this varies. In Western Europe, Christian immigrants intermarry with Europeans at far higher rates than people of non-European religions do, and that increases greatly from first-generation immigrants to the second generation. So second-generation Turks and Moroccans throughout Europe tend not to marry native whites or other ethnics. They also more often find marriage partners from Turkey or Morocco, rather than other second-generation Turks or Moroccans.